WORKFORCE SHOCKER: Part-Time Employees’ Demanding New Rights Revealed!

WORKFORCE SHOCKER: Part-Time Employees' Demanding New Rights Revealed!

German Industry and Trade Association (DIHK) and the Central Federation of German Skilled Crafts (ZDH) presidents show open support for the introduction of part-time sick leave certification. “The topic of part-time sick leave certification, as possible in Switzerland, can be discussed. We should become more pragmatic overall” said DIHK President Peter Adrian to the Funke Media Group newspapers (Tuesday editions).

Crafts Federation President Jörg Dittrich told Funke newspapers, looking at part-time sick leave certifications: “This is at least an idea I consider sensible to discuss.”

Both the DIHK president and the Crafts Federation president agree on combating abuse of telephone sick leave certifications. Adrian criticized that there are now internet addresses where one can initiate a sick leave certification. “This goes beyond what is permissible in my opinion. We must act against this development” said the DIHK president. Abuse must be prevented, as current sick leave records are heavily burdening the economy.

According to Handwerkspräsident Dittrich, the current sick leave records are also high in the crafts sector. Dittrich also criticized online portals where one can organize sick leave certifications. “I would be in favor of reviewing or at least legally specifying that only the family doctor can telephone certify sick leave” said the Crafts Federation president. If it comes from the treating doctor or family doctor, the telephone certification of sick leave is correct.

DIHK President Adrian also will not fundamentally question the telephone certification of sick leave: “If the treating doctor, who knows the patient, is allowed to telephone certify sick leave, this can relieve overwhelmed practices.”

The president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, had recently expressed support for a part-time sick leave certification model. Looking at the changing world of work, Reinhardt told the Funke newspapers: “A practical form of part-time sick leave certification for a few hours a day could take account of the new possibilities and ensure more flexibility.