BORDER BOMBSHELL: EU’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed!

BORDER BOMBSHELL: EU's Dirty Little Secret Exposed!

The Greens have committed to reforming the Common European Asylum System (GEAS) in their preliminary election program, as reported by the “World” (Tuesday edition) based on the 80-page program.

In the chapter on “a European and international flight and migration policy” the Greens demand that it must be “human rights compliant” not only within the EU’s borders but also at its external borders. The party calls for a “consequential approach to pushbacks.”

The right to individual case examination and the no-return principle must always apply, the text continues. Asylum applications must be examined in the EU, and the Greens reject the outsourcing of asylum procedures to non-EU countries.

“‘Simultaneously, we see that Putin’s Russia and Lukashenko’s Belarus are misusing the right to asylum on the backs of refugees for geopolitical interests,’ the ‘World’ quotes from the draft. This instrumentalization should be prevented by exploiting legal and political possibilities.”

Furthermore, the Greens commit to the state EU search and rescue mission as a “humanitarian obligation.” They aim to “better order and steer migration.” Not everyone who comes to Germany can stay, the text continues. Voluntary return should have priority if there are no longer any residence law preconditions. Those who have committed serious crimes should be prioritized for return after serving their sentence.