Lindner’s Shocking Warning

Lindner's Shocking Warning

FDP Chief Christian Lindner sees Germany economically “on the brink”. We are threatened by an economic decline that costs tens of thousands of jobs and endangers the standard of living of people, Lindner told the Munich Merkur.

“In addition, our society is very polarized. People have the impression that the state is intervening in everything, but neglecting its core tasks – the regulation of immigration, external and internal security, education, and infrastructure”.

Therefore, “fundamental changes” are necessary, Lindner said.

Among other things, a “broad, radical reduction of bureaucracy” is needed, according to Lindner. “Goodbye to the German Supply Chain Act, massively deregulate working time, largely abolish reporting obligations.” Even entire authorities like the Federal Environment Agency could be eliminated if their tasks were distributed to others. Additionally, tax relief is necessary.