In Germany, there are significant regional differences in the kindergartens’ fees and care services offered in rural areas, according to a study by the Dresden branch of the Ifo Institute, published on Wednesday..
“While in some municipalities, parents pay as much as €565 per month, in other municipalities, parents pay no kindergartens’ fees at all” said Ifo researcher Xenia Frei. “Our data show that high kindergartens’ fees do not necessarily lead to a more comprehensive care offer.” The scope of the care services offered varies greatly between municipalities, ranging from 40 to 53 hours per week and closing days from seven to 31 days a year.
The level of kindergartens’ fees and the scope of the care services offered are crucial in determining whether parents choose to send their children to kindergarten or stay at home, the study says. While kindergartens’ fees are sensible for financing childcare, high and non-socially-staffed fees in combination with a poor offer often lead to families caring for their children at home.
“This is particularly the case for low-income families, whose children then miss out on the educational offer in kindergarten” Frei said. High childcare costs, in turn, make it particularly difficult for mothers to take up employment.
The institute’s calculations are based on a dataset of 39 municipalities in rural Germany. The costs of kindergarten places were calculated for a full-day care of 40 hours a week. Additionally, the average maximum opening time of kindergartens and the corresponding closing days were determined.