Construction Minister accuses Buschmann of delaying rent control

Bauminister wirft CDU-Chef Buschmann vor!

German Federal Minister of the Environment, Klara Geywitz (SPD), accused former Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) of deliberately delaying planned rent law changes. “In my view, Marco Buschmann, as the responsible Justice Minister, deliberately delayed the rent brake as long as he could” Geywitz told the “Rheinische Post” (Tuesday edition) in reference to the former coalition partner in the failed Ampel coalition.

Regarding the rent brake, she said: “If it expires, it will be very expensive for millions of people, and, incidentally, also for many who already have a affordable apartment, because high new rentals affect the rent index. Landlords can take that and use it to justify their rent increases.”

The FDP had “planned and intentional” ended its government participation. “That was no accident. To put it mildly, I feel duped in hindsight, when I spent many hours negotiating with FDP ministers on finances and laws, and they knew at the time that nothing more would come of it, because they were already leaving” Geywitz said.