SPD’s Matthias Miersch Warns of Steps Back in Climate Protection if Grand Coalition with CDU Emerges Again
According to Matthias Miersch, the General Secretary of the SPD, a Grand Coalition with the CDU again would be a setback in climate protection. “The last Grand Coalition had exhausted itself in terms of content,” Miersch said to ‘taz’ (Monday edition).
“I am skeptical about it, because the SPD couldn’t push through many things with the CDU and the CSU, but we did in the government coalition of the SPD, the Green Party, and the free democrats (FDP). This concerns the reform of the state citizenship law and the expansion of renewable energies.”
When asked if the expansion of renewable energies could stagnate in the case of a coalition with the CDU, Miersch replied, “Probably, yes. Nuclear power plays a prominent role again for the CDU. That would be a step backwards.”
The CDU is talking about nuclear fusion instead of the expansion of renewables. “Functional reactors do not even exist, let alone nuclear fusion. The Social Democrats will not participate in such a step backwards.”
He also does not agree with the call to abolish the Heating Act, which the CDU is demanding. “I can only warn against it. It’s about planning security. The whole industry, with the craftsmen at the forefront, appeal to the CDU not to abolish the act. Abolition is not a concept, for now.”
However, he suggests evaluating and, if necessary, improving the act. “It’s about technical standards. We would like to look at them again.”
Miersch hopes that an option for a coalition with the Green Party will still emerge after the federal election. “Deep in my heart, I am a Red-Green person. In Lower Saxony, we have a red-green government that is working well,” Miersch said to ‘taz’. The times are very volatile. “A lot can still happen until February 23rd.