Former American commander: Ukraine will liberate Crimea


Ben Hodges, the former commander of US forces in Europe, has made a bold prediction about how the war will play out, suggesting that Ukraine is on track to liberate the Crimean peninsula from Russian occupation by August 2023.

“It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such an event, provided it actually happens”.

We recall that in 2014, Russia illegally annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which it now uses to launch air and other attacks against Ukraine.

Losing the territory he controlled even before the total invasion of Ukraine, which began in February this year, would be a great humiliation for Vladimir Putin.

“The Ukrainian military will continue to strike Russian headquarters and supply and communication lines in the coming months to set the stage for the decisive phase of the war – the liberation of Crimea. I expect to liberate Crimea by August,” Hodges tweeted.

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