Employers Refuse to Budge, Union Vows to Fight On!

Employers Refuse to Budge, Union Vows to Fight On!

A breakdown in tariff negotiations has occurred between the Verdi trade union and employers in the public sector. The union announced this late on Monday evening.

“We’ve pushed ourselves to the limit of pain. The employers have rejected our proposals for a settlement” criticized Verdi Chairman and chief negotiator Frank Werneke in Potsdam. The negotiations had begun in their third round on Friday.

“Regardless of whether it’s a sufficient linear increase or a minimum amount as a social component, early retirement or a modern time account for working hours – the employers have largely refused many of the demands that are important for employees” said Werneke.

The municipalities have also rejected the long-overdue east-west equalization of dismissal protection: “Until just before the employers declared the breakdown of the negotiations, there were always new proposals from the Verdi, so I regret it very much that the federal government and municipalities are now seeking mediation” said Werneke.

The union had initially tried to come to an agreement with the employers in arduous rounds of negotiation. However, it appears that this was not intended, said the Verdi Chairman. “We were ready for a solution – our negotiation partners were not.”

In the past weeks since the second round of tariff negotiations in mid-February, tens of thousands of employees had temporarily stopped working, with over 150,000 employees from all areas of the public sector in the entire federal territory participating in warning strikes and demonstrating the importance of higher wages and better working conditions for them.

“After this round of negotiations, the employees are highly motivated to continue fighting for their demands” emphasized Werneke.

Verdi is leading the tariff negotiations in the public sector, also on behalf of GdP, GEW, IG BAU and jointly with dbb beamtenbund and tarifunion. The union is demanding an overall 8% pay increase, with at least 350 euros per month, a minimum of three free days and more sovereignty over working hours. The tariff agreement is to be applied to civil servants, judges, soldiers and recipients of public services.