FROST FURY: EU Aid Arrives for German Fruit Growers, But Was It Too Little, Too Late?

FROST FURY: EU Aid Arrives for German Fruit Growers, But Was It Too Little, Too Late?

Berlin, Germany – The German federal states have begun approving EU frost relief funds for German fruit and wine growers, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture announced on Tuesday. The financial support is for farms that suffered losses in the early spring of 2024 due to late frosts, with eligible applicants being agricultural businesses that suffered a yield reduction of more than 30 percent and a minimum damage of 7,500 euros. According to the ministry, the EU funds will cover around 37 percent of the actual damage, with the states expected to disburse the aid by the end of April.

Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir (Greens) stated, “I found it unacceptable that the European Commission did not include German fruit and wine growers in their frost relief, unlike our European neighbors. A cold front does not stop at the border.” The frost wave had in some cases destroyed entire harvests and the relief funds will now enable affected farmers in Germany to mitigate their losses.

The late frosts in April 2024 had significant losses in the fruit and wine industry, particularly in eastern and southern Germany. According to the ministry, the damage eligible for EU frost relief funds totals 126 million euros, with yield reductions ranging from 20 to 100 percent, mainly affecting kernel, stone and berry fruits and the wine industry suffering losses of 30 to 100 percent.