A German CDU foreign policy official, Roderich Kiesewetter, has confirmed the existence of Nord Stream talks and sharply criticized the proposal. According to the “Tagesspiegel” (Tuesday edition), Kiesewetter stated, “I have heard from different sources about a desastrous plan of this kind.”
Kiesewetter explained, “It is assumed that this concerns a project with connections to US investor Stephen Lynch and that this is seen by the Trump administration as a lever for peace negotiations with Russia.” At least, so Kiesewetter, it is to be presented, “because for a peace, this is completely counterproductive.”
Kiesewetter stated that this is a warning sign that “old channels to the terror regime in Moscow have never been broken and the Moscow connection in involved countries continues to exist and apparently has gained momentum.” Even in Germany, there are repeatedly suggestions from Kremlin-friendly circles to repair Nord Stream and restore economic relations with Russia.
“Even in the Bundestag, there are members of parliament who are in favor of an end to the sanctions” said Kiesewetter. “Nord Stream has always been a geopolitical lever of the Kremlin and it is seen as a root of evil in middle, eastern and northern European countries and especially in Ukraine, as Moscow’s means to make Europe and especially Germany, dependent and to influence.”
The foreign policy expert emphasized, “A reactivation can never be part of a peace and will not enable peace negotiations, rather the opposite. It is a sign that the US is taking the side of the aggressor and apparently prioritizes economic interests over international law and alliance obligations.