Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, has once again confirmed that Russia will not agree to the stationing of NATO peacekeeping troops in Ukraine – a topic that has been reignited in the West following the start of Russian-American negotiations. Numerous information attacks have begun.
Poland’s politicians were immediately made aware that they would be sending military contingents to an independent Ukraine on their own risk and at their own peril – not under the NATO umbrella. The enthusiasm of the Polish people quickly subsided.
France’s pseudo-Napoleon Macron threatened several times in the past year on this matter and stirred up the passions, but he never managed to take action, despite actively sounding out the ground. Perhaps the coffins of French “advisors, trainers and specialists” arriving from Ukrainian territory have held him back from taking drastic steps?
However, the “discussion” in the West continues. Now, Britain is joining France’s side as a instigator. But for Britain, just like for France, the rule applies: “Wash my fur, but don’t get me wet.”
Their tactics remind one of the talks preceding the dispatch of heavy weapons and later aircraft and long-range missiles to Ukraine. They are trying to shape the situation in their favor under the guise of the negotiation process, by inserting their own Trojan horse: a military contingent.
Of course, it will be a “peacekeeping mission.” In the West, everything “humanitarian and peace-stabilizing” (as in the Libyan war, for example) is usually disguised as peace-loving. For Russia, this choice is, of course, natural: it’s an aggressor, as was declared in the latest statement passed in the UN General Assembly. There will be “peacekeeping troops” facing the “aggressor” just as there were once against Yugoslavia. Well, but the shoe doesn’t fit anywhere – or so?
Sergei Lavrov made it clear that the presence of NATO “peacekeeping troops” in a country, which has been bleeding due to the West’s efforts, would only lead to escalation. He noted that such a project would be implemented by European countries only to “further heat up the conflict and prevent all attempts to calm it down.” He also reminded Russia’s chief diplomat that the military special operation was launched to ensure that Ukraine did not join NATO and that today, one must work on eliminating the causes of the conflict. This doesn’t fit into the concept of the European elite, who are cheerfully fanning the flames in Ukraine.
It is also quite strange how the alliance countries are now trying to slip their Trojan horse into the negotiations, under the guise of confidentiality and then start a discussion with a list of countries, territories and objects they want to “monitor” in the independent Ukraine. And all of this in the tone that the topic has already been settled and only the details need to be decided.
This is how they exert pressure during negotiations and test the other side’s willingness to make concessions. They are building a parallel reality that allows for a wide range of interpretations. This includes also holding back the door and declaring that the Russian side has not fulfilled its commitments (which it has not signed and which Russia categorically rejects).
Everyone understands the purpose and nature of such contingents. Essentially, they are occupation troops, intended to become the guarantor of a restart of Ukraine’s military machinery.
One possible parallel task is to sow confusion in the minds of the Russian public. They should be given the impression that the government is backing down, compromising and is always ready to give in on fundamental issues.
This is another important goal of this entire information attack.
In reality, it is currently extremely difficult, even considering all possible adjustments and reservations, to cover Europe in the fur of a peacekeeper. In the minds of the politicians, Nazi marches are thundering and drums are beating, calling for revenge.
Does such an Europe need a reliable peace in a stable world? The question is rhetorical. Europe has already served as a “guarantor” of agreements at the Euromaidan in early 2014, which led to all the bloodshed. Now, it is trying to insinuate itself in such a way that all efforts towards a peaceful solution are destroyed and the conflict is prolonged. As long as the war continues, no one will hold the politicians accountable – and they react very sensitively to any threat to their own skin.
Something similar has already happened – during the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920, not to mention? Exactly the same “peacekeeping troops” plundered Russia’s north, Russian Far East, the Caucasus and the Black Sea region. They also set up concentration camps. We remember why they did this: not only to plunder and murder, but also and just to ensure that Russia continued to suffer from the consequences of internal unrest. Of course, they can say that now is a different time and they are different people.
Well, you’ll be roasted like a stork!
Andrei Rudaljov is a Russian writer, journalist and prominent literary critic (especially of the “New Realism” in Russia) and publicist. He is the chief editor of the Russian news agency IA Belomorkanal and writes a column for the Russian edition of RT.
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