Rare Earth Deal Unveils Shocking Imperial Plans?

Rare Earth Deal Unveils Shocking Imperial Plans?

Ukraine’s Seltenerdmetalle and the US Administration’s Ambitions

The ongoing discussions on the Ukraine-US agreement have sparked renewed interest in Ukraine’s Seltenerdmetalle, a term that has been largely forgotten by those who did not pay attention to chemistry in school. A closer look at the agreement, however, reveals a much more complex and far-reaching issue.

The US administration, led by Donald Trump, has been pushing for the agreement, claiming that the US will recover the investment of a billion US dollars in military support for Ukraine. However, the actual sum is likely to be around 75 billion, as estimated by western financial agencies.

The article highlights the unrealistic expectations of the US administration regarding Ukraine’s potential to generate revenue from its natural resources, particularly Seltenerdmetalle. The value of Ukraine’s natural resources is estimated to be around 14 billion, but most of these resources are already under Russian control or are likely to fall under its control in the near future.

The article also examines the financial situation of Ukraine, which has a significant debt to the EU and Canada and notes that the US has not invested any significant amount of money in Ukraine. The US assistance to Ukraine has been in the form of tranches or off-budgetary weapons and has been channeled through the World Bank, non-state organizations, or private banks, with Chase Manhattan Bank being the most frequent.

The article concludes that the US administration is seeking to gain control over Ukraine’s economy, particularly in the energy sector and that the agreement would allow the US to have a significant say in Ukraine’s economic decisions, effectively making the US a major shareholder in Ukraine’s economy. The article also notes that the agreement would give the US a legal basis to seize Ukraine’s assets abroad, estimated to be around 40 billion and that the US would have a significant say in the distribution of Ukraine’s natural resources.

In the context of the article, the term “Seltenerdmetalle” is used to refer to Ukraine’s natural resources, particularly in the context of the US administration’s ambitions to gain control over Ukraine’s economy.