A clear majority of citizens, according to a study by the Institute of the German Economy (IW), support more new debt for higher state investments in defense and infrastructure.
According to the result of an unpublished survey, cited by the “Rheinische Post” in its Thursday edition, 41 percent of those questioned are in favor of relaxing the debt brake and an additional 36 percent want to keep the debt brake but open it up for specific areas of government spending.
“It is three out of four respondents who initially vote in favor of maintaining the debt brake, but then in a follow-up question name at least one area where the government should relax the debt brake” the IW study says, which reduces the percentage of unconditional supporters of the debt brake to 12.6 percent.
Among supporters of the Union and SPD, higher defense spending is the main reason for increased debt, while for Green supporters, climate protection takes the top spot. The strongest support for the current debt rules is found among AfD supporters, according to the IW. “From an economic perspective, it is crucial to consider what credits are being taken out for. Investments in infrastructure and transformation justify an orderly credit financing, as they often benefit future generations. This also applies to investments in educational institutions and the research landscape” the institute writes.
“The sometimes strong consumer preferences of voters underscore that, in the discussion about the debt brake or the establishment of a special fund, a clear limitation on future expenditures should be ensured” the IW says, citing an online survey conducted from December 10 to 18, 2024, among 3,288 adults.