Birth Rate Hits Rock Bottom

Birth Rate Hits Rock Bottom

The number of births in Austria has decreased again in 2024, according to preliminary results from Statistik Austria. A total of 76,873 children were born, a decline of 0.9% compared to the previous year, with the average number of children per woman reaching a historic low of 1.31.

The birth balance, or the difference between live births and deaths, fell to -10,534, the fifth consecutive year with a negative balance. In total, 87,407 people died, a 2.6% decrease from the previous year.

Statistik Austria expects a slight correction of the numbers due to late reports, with the final number of births potentially being around 400 higher and the number of deaths around 1,200 higher.

Regional differences: Vienna as an exception

Eight federal states recorded a decline in the number of births. The most significant decline was seen in Burgenland (-5.7%) and Salzburg (-5.3%), followed by Styria (-4.5%) and Vorarlberg (-4.1%). The smallest losses were in Upper Austria (-0.3%) and Tyrol (-1.3%).

Only Vienna recorded a birth increase of 4.7%, with 18,926 children born, while the lowest number of 1,866 was seen in Burgenland.

Life expectancy slightly increased

Life expectancy at birth has increased slightly, with men now averaging 79.8 years, a 0.4-year increase from the previous year. Women can expect to live an average of 84.3 years, a 0.1-year increase.

The number of infant deaths in the first year of life was 233, a mortality rate of 0.003.

Death rates varied by region

Death rates decreased in seven federal states, with Vienna recording the largest decline of 5%. Salzburg saw the smallest decline, at 0.7%. Burgenland and Vorarlberg, on the other hand, recorded an increase in the number of deaths, at 3.7% and 3.2%, respectively.

The continued decline in births poses long-term demographic challenges for Austria, with various factors contributing to the decline, including economic uncertainty and changing life models.