‘Correctiv’ Exposé Rocks Berlin

'Correctiv' Exposé Rocks Berlin

The CDU/CSU fraction in the German parliament has submitted a small inquiry with high political significance. The inquiry is titled “Political Neutrality of State-Financed Organizations” and asks how the federal government evaluates the behavior of a series of state-financed or co-financed non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The majority of the questions are about a non-profit limited liability company that gained attention earlier this year: Correctiv gGmbH, which was involved in a scandal and sparked a wave of demonstrations against the right, only to have its investigative story largely proven to be false.

The first question in this context is: “Does the Correctiv gGmbH, in the view of the federal government, exclusively pursue charitable purposes in accordance with the German Tax Code (§ 52 AO) and if so, which ones?” The inquiry also asks about the proportion of state funding in the organization’s financing, the share of donations from the private sector or party-affiliated foundations and whether there are personal connections to political parties.

The list of questions also touches on the area that in other countries (such as the US) decides whether an organization is considered a foreign agent or not: “Has the federal government been informed if the Correctiv gGmbH receives funds from international organizations or NGOs abroad and if so, which ones and how much?” The inquiry also asks if the organization targets political opponents for discreditation or defamation and, if so, how the federal government evaluates this in the context of the funding.

The last question could be answered with a simple “yes” as that was the purpose of the story about the “secret meeting in Potsdam.” As the deadline for answering questions from the German parliament is two weeks, the response will be provided by the old federal government, from the Interior and Family Ministries.

In total, 33 questions were submitted about Correctiv. Twenty-four questions concern “Omas gegen Rechts” (Grandmothers against the Right), as well as 24 questions about Campact e.V., 24 about Attac, 32 about the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, 24 about Peta and Animal Rights Watch and 32 about Foodwatch e.V. Besides Correctiv, the most interesting “target” might be the Deutsche Umwelthilfe (German Environmental Aid). The inquiry also includes questions about Agora Energiewende, Greenpeace and the Bund (a German environmental organization). The total of 551 questions, if answered truthfully, could provide a deep insight into the network of NGOs that have gained significant political influence in recent decades, often with little political legitimacy.