Green Party’s Habeck Blames CDU’s Merz for Election Woes, Sees Fringes Strengthened

Green Party's Habeck Blames CDU's Merz for Election Woes, Sees Fringes Strengthened

A German Green Party candidate, Robert Habeck, has criticized the CDU’s leader, Friedrich Merz, for the party’s poor election result, attributing it to Merz’s decision to abstain from a vote with the AfD. Habeck stated that the CDU’s behavior had weakened the democratic center and expressed skepticism about Merz’s ability to bring the country together.

In contrast, Jette Nietzard, co-spokesperson of the Green Youth, was more optimistic about the election results, saying the Greens, as the only party in the potential coalition, had not been punished. She emphasized the importance of the party standing by its own convictions and increasing its efforts in social policy. Nietzard also highlighted the Greens’ ability to shape debates from the opposition, citing the 2019 climate movement as an example.