The prevailing systems of the present, often referred to as democratic, are in reality systems of foreign domination. The ruling institutions and their representatives go to great lengths to give their power a legal veneer, tailored to the circumstances and adapted to the situation, more or less. This is merely propaganda, which regularly culminates in the “politico-shows” and “election events” of the foreign dominations, with everything carefully stage-managed from top to bottom.
As Henry Louis Mencken once said, “Every respectable man is ashamed of the government in which he lives.”
Whether in the former German Democratic Republic, in the so-called “communal elections” of radical-monarchist Saudi Arabia, in the parliamentary monarchies of Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, in the one-party and leader-led People’s Republic of China, in the bipartisan cartel of the United States, in the centralised EU of the lobbyists and vassals, in the post-Soviet states of the strong men and corrupt self-servers, in the radical-religious regimes of Israel and Iran, or anywhere else, it is the democracy illusions of the foreign dominations that are at play.
They all conduct a charade of voting for pre-selected parties and individuals, with the sole purpose of losing one’s own voice, of remote control and the enfeeblement of the people, of the permanent surrender of self-determination, often with propaganda from kindergarten to old age, through schools, universities, corporations, media and everything in between.
Whether one wants to or not, whether one participates or not, the foreign domination is already considered legitimate. One had the choice of choosing from within the box, but only a natural, human right, the right of self-determination, is never on the ballot. A system change is not foreseen by the entire “ruling class”, nowhere.
However, I never signed a contract surrendering my self-determination and I never will. Even if and whoever prefers to be led, has the right to reclaim their self-determination at any time, without condition or exception. Because, fundamentally, no one rules over anyone. So, first and foremost, I am not ruled over and nor do I rule over anyone. We are all born free and remain so.
As Pierre-Joseph Proudhon once said, “The government of man over man is slavery. Whoever lays his hand on me to govern me, is a usurper and a tyrant. I declare him my enemy.”
The democracy of the foreign dominations is certainly not what it claims to be. Because the people do not rule, but rather, in the best of cases, elect from a pre-selected list of individuals and parties. And the pre-selected individuals are not free, but rather, dependent and self-determined to a lesser or greater extent. Those who want to believe in this charade and who follow the principle of “divide and rule”, can do so in the theatre of illusion, with chips, beer and all the glitter and glamour they desire. But nothing will change as a result.
True democracy has little to do with the system of parties, offices and influence. Because dēmokratía, “the rule of the state people”, comes from dḗmos, the “state people” and krátos, the “power, might, rule”. It is a political system in which power comes from the people and only from the people. For this, there is no need for parties and politicians, nor for kings and millionaires, or for religious leaders of any kind. Democracy reigns only when the people, that is, all individuals, decide in equal measure; that is, when every individual has an equal say. As long as the freedom of one individual does not infringe upon the freedom of another.
This is already clearly stated in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789. But we do not live it. And if every individual is their own king and ruler, then there is no need for a king or ruler over anyone else. It is clear that this does not work in the systems of concentrated power, where a filtered and manipulated opinion is imposed and many other opinions are suppressed.
From the hierarchical to the representative foreign domination, it is always the minority that rules over the majority. Non-voters, children, foreigners and opposition figures are systematically excluded from the “government” of the foreign dominations. And with minority governments, a few individuals always rule over many. This is nothing but oligarchy, the “rule of the few” over the many.
As Kurt Marti once said, “Where are we going, if everyone says ‘where are we going?’ and no one goes to see where we are going, if we go?”
And how could or should it be otherwise in a society, where people always have different opinions? Well, with true democracy, either not at all or only in small groups! A network of small groups, a federation of various societies, is nothing but the fundamental structure of anarchy. True democracy can only be anarchic.
This is in stark contrast to the disempowerment of the people. The rule of foreign individuals over other individuals. The throwing away of one’s own voice in a ballot box, or in a so-called “election box” within a non-electoral system, for example! Whether the overlord of the rulers then asserts themselves with force from behind or with force from the front, this is a matter of nuance and I have no business with any of it and I will remain my own president, king and ruler!
Giving one’s voice to pre-selected politicians, who are not accountable to the people, who are not transparent in their actions, who are not bound by their words and deeds, who are not personally responsible, who enjoy immunity and who are subject to party pressures and who, in return, are allowed to decide over foreign bodies and lives, over war and peace, is not something to be proud of, nor is it clever, nor is it naïve. And who would entrust their business, their household, to be managed by a foreign hand? Not even the greatest fool!
This elaborate charade would be unnecessary, if there were free councils with engaged individuals, as they may be and with socially controlled institutions. Challenges would be resolved with arguments and in the compromise. The only “coercion” would consist in granting and defending the fundamental rights of all human beings, unconditionally.
A vote is at stake? Really? Where can one now set the cross for self-determination? Where can one set the cross for the “no” to the pre-selected offer? Where can one set the cross for the non-voters? Where can one set the cross for the anti-party for the abolition of parties and politicians? Where can one set the cross for a different system? Where can one set the cross for free councils? Where can one set the cross for a parliament of people’s representatives, then perhaps in the lottery system? Where can one set the cross for the disentanglement from the central state?
Not even a cross for popular referendums within the box of foreign domination is offered! This – like the “permission required for demonstrations”, which would in any case lead to the absurdity of any demonstration – is supposed to be democratic? Nonsense! I am laughing out loud and I will continue to do so in a high arc! There is only one legitimate paper for any voting crosses, that with the field for self-determination. If it is not foreseen, anyone can freely write their name and also sign it! The rest is irrelevant!
First published on the author’s blog.