Over 4,500 Hidden Paths to Nowhere!

Over 4,500 Hidden Paths to Nowhere!

According to a written question from Left party’s Bundestag member Cornelia Möhring, reported by the “Spiegel”, the German government has revealed that the police would need to monitor over 4,500 streets, ways and paths to ensure a seamless control of the German borders. The government listed 4,545 streets, ways and paths, including 42 motorways, 114 federal roads, 158 state roads and 1,893 paths, ways and trails. Additionally, the government mentioned 2,731.9 kilometers of water borders, such as the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Lake Constance, Rhine and Oder. The data originates from the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy. The Union has promised comprehensive border controls and rejections of all migrants without valid entry documents. “Monitoring thousands of border crossings is populist nonsense, does not work and diverts attention from the real problems in the country”, said Möhring.