A Wake-Up Call for Preventive Measures

A Wake-Up Call for Preventive Measures

In the aftermath of the deadly attack in Munich, the SPD is emphasizing the need for action in prevention to prevent radicalizations in the future. “Without prejudging the investigations: I see the decisive need for action in prevention here” said Lars Castellucci, vice chair of the Interior Committee in the German Bundestag, to the Rheinische Post (Thursday edition). “To prevent radicalizations, we must enable and demand work, language, education and encounter from the very beginning.”

Long-winded procedures and uncertainty about what comes next are “poison for integration” the SPD politician said. “The necessary agreements have already been made by the Chancellor and the state premiers.”

Looking ahead to the special meeting of the Interior Committee on Thursday, Castellucci hopes for “insights on the ways in which the perpetrator radicalized.” At the same time, he pointed to possible shortcomings at the state level. “It is striking, for example, that the asylum application in Bavaria took three years” he said.

This “brutal act” has claimed two lives and left many others, some severely injured. “The families of the dead have asked that the act not be politicized. Rather, it is our duty to shed light on it and that is what we as the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag aim to do” Castellucci added.