SPD Accused of Sabotaging Habeck’s Popularity

SPD Accused of Sabotaging Habeck's Popularity

A senior Green Party official, Felix Banaszak, has leveled severe accusations against the Social Democratic Party (SPD) at a recent campaign event, as reported by the Handelsblatt. The popularity of the current chancellor candidate, Robert Habeck, has reportedly declined due to the SPD’s alleged role in leaking the draft of the Heating Act to the Bild newspaper before the necessary social compensation measures were in place for renters and others affected.

According to Banaszak, the early release of the draft law, which was not yet socially adjusted, was facilitated by the SPD’s “friendly support” of the Kanzleramt’s press work. In February 2023, Bild published the draft, which was only seen by the Ministry of Economics, Finance and Building, as well as the Chancellor’s Office at the time. Prior to this, speculation had centered on the FDP’s Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, being responsible for the leak. However, within the Green Party, the rumor had long circulated that the SPD was the party behind the leak.

The publication led to a serious dispute within the coalition, which reportedly damaged Habeck’s reputation. The current polls are now largely dependent on the Business for a Social and Ecological Market Economy (BSW) party’s chances of entering the Bundestag. If the BSW achieves more than 5%, a government majority would only be possible in a three-party coalition comprising the CDU, SPD and Greens.

However, within the left wing of the Greens, to which Banaszak belongs, there is now criticism of a coalition with the CDU, due to the latter’s recent cooperation with the AfD. Banaszak emphasizes the importance of governing: “Self-determination law, cannabis legalization, same-sex marriage, climate goals: I don’t want these issues to be discussed only in my absence.”

The SPD, he claimed, is “always cheaper to have” and would do anything to remain in government. The Heating Act, which has become extremely unpopular, is not so much due to the early leak as to its poorly formulated content, which affects people’s lives, increases heating costs and rents and makes real estate prices unpredictable. Habeck’s economic policies, including his actions against Nord Stream 2 and energy policy, have also damaged his popularity, at least as the economic consequences have become visible.

Recently, from within the Greens, Habeck’s declining popularity has been attributed to “Russian influence.” Banaszak is now convinced that the SPD sought to discredit Habeck. In response to the Handelsblatt’s inquiry, a government spokesperson denied these claims, calling them “nonsense.