Söder’s Ultimatum

Söder's Ultimatum

German CSU Leader Markus Söder has called on churches to participate more actively in debates on life protection and Paragraph 218. In an interview with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Thursday edition), the Bavarian Minister-President expressed his enthusiasm for churches taking a more prominent role. “I would like to see a louder voice from the churches, especially on issues that touch the core of Christianity, such as life protection and Paragraph 218” he stated.

Regarding the criticism from churches of the Union’s willingness to accept AfD votes for a majority in the Bundestag, Söder responded that the open letter from the churches’ political offices was “apparently uncoordinated.” He pointed out that several bishops and many believers had quickly distanced themselves from the statement. “We take the criticism, but we also have the right to express our opinion – I as a believing Christian included” he added.