9 Million Users in 24 Hours!

9 Million Users in 24 Hours!

The decision aid Wahl-O-Mat of the Federal Centre for Political Education for the federal election was used over nine million times within 24 hours of its online release on Thursday.

A spokesperson for the Federal Centre shared this information with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” on Friday. “That’s as many uses as never before and thus a record start” the spokesperson said. Before the 2021 federal election, the usage figure stood at 7.1 million on the second day, which is about two million lower. The spokesperson expected the number to rise to over ten million uses by Friday.

With the online tool, voters can compare their positions with those of all 29 parties running in the election in 38 theses. They can agree, reject, remain neutral, or skip the theses. A percentage value shows the degree of agreement at the end.