Stahl-Krieg: Salzgitter-Chef droht mit Ausstieg, wenn Regierung nicht handelt!

Stahl-Krieg: Salzgitter-Chef droht mit Ausstieg, wenn Regierung nicht handelt!

Salzgitter CEO Gunnar Groebler has called for a future federal government to provide more consistent support for the transformation of the steel industry. In an interview with the Spiegel, he expressed his concerns about the current situation, stating, “It would be a joke if we invested around seven billion euros in the transformation of the German steel industry and then let it all go to waste because of a lack of framework conditions.”

Groebler emphasized the need for a stable energy system that provides competitive energy costs for the industry. He also criticized CDU candidate Friedrich Merz, who had expressed doubts about the availability of hydrogen for the production of CO2-neutral steel in the near future. Merz had advocated for the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

Groebler, however, dismissed CCS as a viable option for the steel industry, citing its complexity. He argued that it might be suitable for a gas-fired direct reduction process, but that it is not a long-term solution, as gas is only a transitional measure until hydrogen becomes available.

Groebler emphasized the need to continue the path set by the previous government, stating, “We will not stop the transformation and it’s not possible for us to do so in Salzgitter due to the progress of our projects.” He also highlighted the importance of maintaining a domestic steel industry, citing the “times of change” in the defense policy. Salzgitter aims to enter the production of security steels, such as those needed for the production of tanks, as the company is currently qualifying itself for such products.