The head of the Green Party’s election campaign, Andreas Audretsch, has criticized ARD and ZDF for their decision to not hold a TV debate between Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Union candidate Friedrich Merz. “ARD and ZDF are not willing to enable a fair TV debate on Sunday” he told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Thursday edition).
“While RTL and Pro7/Sat1 have already set a broader invitation, ARD and ZDF refuse to face the realities of our time. That is regrettable” Audretsch added. “Fair rules would be the basis for equal chances, Friedrich Merz was willing to engage in a fair competition. Unfortunately, Olaf Scholz did not seem to be ready for that.” The polls, the dynamics of the election campaign and recent events showed that “everything is open” in this election.
Audretsch also sharply criticized Merz for his recent Bundestag proposals to toughen up the asylum policy at the expense of AfD support. “Friedrich Merz has broken his word and has broken with the political culture of our country” he told the RND. “The Union has repeatedly voted with the AfD and, for the first time in German history, has passed a motion with right-wing extremists through parliament. This has shaken the political coordinate system.