Record-Breaking Election War Chest Revealed!

Record-Breaking Election War Chest Revealed!

Despite the short federal election campaign, the Greens have collected as much spending money as never before. “Over ten million euros in spending since November, that’s a record in the party’s history” said the Greens’ campaign manager, Andreas Audretsch, to the “Tagesspiegel” (Wednesday’s edition). “The overwhelming part are small donations from citizens” he said.

He was also pleased about who was supporting the party with their money: “While big donations in the millions are going in at other parties, it’s around 100,000 people who have decided to support us with their hard-earned money” Audretsch said.

The Berlin Bundestag member was also delighted about a membership surge in the party, since last Wednesday when a proposal by the Union in the Bundestag, together with votes from the FDP and AfD, received a majority. “We’re experiencing an enormous dynamic all over the country. Over 6,000 membership applications since last Wednesday, that’s a record” said Audretsch to the Tagesspiegel. There’s a “great movement right from the population” that’s carrying the Greens in the election campaign.