Feminist Fury: Greens Unleash Plan to Sue for Pay Gap Justice!

Feminist Fury: Greens Unleash Plan to Sue for Pay Gap Justice!

The Green Party aims to improve the situation of women on the labor market through economic incentives and structural reforms. According to a eight-point paper by the Green Party’s co-chairs, Franziska Brantner and Felix Banaszak, as reported by the Spiegel, the party intends to strengthen the economic independence of women.

The paper, which goes beyond the party’s election program, calls for a lawsuit right for trade unions to support women who are paid less than men. “We will finally create the legal opportunities for employees to not have to fight alone for their rights in the case of unequal pay, but also for trade unions to be able to claim equal pay for them” the paper states.

To strengthen the compatibility of family and work, the Green Party’s co-leaders promise massive investments in childcare facilities in the event of a government participation. “We will work to ensure that the federal government increases its financial commitment for better childcare quality from an annual two billion to four billion euros” Brantner and Banaszak write.

Additionally, the Green Party co-chairs propose a state-backed “advancement bonus” to reward the transition from a mini-job to a full-time, social insurance-covered employment. “In this case, the state takes over the social insurance contributions for half a year, making the more secure job, which is often accompanied by an increase in working hours, more attractive.