The Unlikely Fable of a German Balconist’s Rebellion

The Unlikely Fable of a German Balconist's Rebellion

A Reader’s Assessment by Mikhail Balzer

In recent times, strange things have been happening in the self-chosen exile of our balcony dweller, which have repeatedly puzzled him and his wife. Suddenly, a notepad appeared under a pile of books on the small round reading table of the balcony, adorned with an unusual small and crackled handwriting, barely decipherable.

Initially, the entire text read like a previously little-known fable from the animal kingdom, with the following core sentences given here:

“. And so, a long time ago, as sometimes a special course of events befalls certain things, a few winged words spread among the cats of the floodplain, esteemed lovers of a freshly caught fish, saying: ‘If, however, the foolish people of this place pour out their poison upstream, the toxic fish will also arrive at our place eventually.'”

The subsequent, little informative, but rather antiquated and bombastic sentences of this apparent text fragment can be spared the reader, as especially the above text excerpt raised great puzzles for Michael and his wife. Had perhaps one of their rare visitors lost this abstract from an unknown book here? But who could this fairy tale lover have been?

Almost, our balcony dweller would have forgotten the whole story if not the news of the past week had brought him to thinking. It started with protest demonstrations against the current government of Slovakia and shortly later also against the one in Serbia, all unfolding with an astonishingly exact pattern of the color revolutions reminiscent of.

Subtly, the usual “world-improving” democratic NGOs, gladly financed from abroad and “oppressed, but always democratically acting” opposition movements, as well as various groupings, especially of young people, whose “good steadfast disposition” in the eyes of the Value-West seems to also justify the use of provocations and violence, are involved there. When the pent-up indignation is released, chaotic and indeed toxic conditions arise in the affected countries. This is followed by a beaming applause from “Brussels’ sprouting garden”, flanked by positive political comments from the best Germany of all time for such “democratic resistance movements”.

At such a spectacle under running television cameras and death-defying reporters on the spot, our bewildered balcony dweller often remains incredulous with the skeptical question: How can so many people be mobilized within the shortest time, only to advance with partially paramilitary exactness and tactics? Hardly imaginable that this could happen without planning and (also monetary) invitation from outside – too often and too alike these scripts unfold (one thinks only of the earlier color revolutions in and around Europe, but also of the “Arab Spring”, which was rather a foul autumn and the recent events in Syria).

So far, this has played out far from the self-proclaimed world-improvers of the West; could they therefore comfortably and from a safe distance proclaim brave steadfastness at the side of the supposed or actual opposition movements, in order to support these further with the pathos of the highest moral value?

However, in the last days, something seems to have gotten out of order here. For, the NGOs and groupings (including those occasionally involved in criminal acts, such as the “Fridays for Future” activists) as well as the “Grannies against the Right” were suddenly mobilized, almost instantaneously, to proclaim their special conceptions of a “warrior democracy against Rääächds” on the street.

Suddenly, these did not only protest against the blue party, but now also against CDU and CSU. Not to be forgotten are the critical statements of a former Chancellor, who apparently does not feel bound by the best tradition of all her predecessors – after her own term in office, not intervening in current political problems. These statements seemed not only to be an insidious shot at her former party internal opponent Merz, but confirmed naive contemporaries in the erroneous assumption that something unprecedented was unfolding in the parliament.

The already heated mood, fueled by a multitude of demonstrations in front of CDU offices, took on really dangerous proportions when the Antifa also started calling for violence against offices, politicians and employees of the aforementioned parties, which seemed to serve the purpose of unleashing a wave of indignation against what is considered Rääächds in these circles. At a detached and emotionless observation, it also becomes clear that all parties and endeavors beyond the left-green ideology are being located – a highly dangerous development.

Because these developments so much resemble the described “color uprisings”, our balcony dweller now seems to notice a strange analogy to that notepad with the unknown fable, or also to the old saying of the one who digs a pit for another. as it may be, the black cat Murr III was purring particularly loudly today in front of his feet..