Central Cee’s “Can’t Rush Greatness” Takes the Top Spot in German Album Charts. According to the GfK, the British rapper has become the first to lead the official album charts. Moses Pelham, a hip-hop veteran, takes the third spot with “Letzte Worte”. Hämatom’s “Für Dich” secures the silver medal, while Heisskalt makes its Top-10 debut at number four. Eric Clapton’s “Meanwhile” and Teddy Swims’ “I’ve Tried Everything But Therapy (Part 2)” also feature in the top five and seven, respectively.
In the single charts, Oimara’s “Wackelkontakt” surges from 34 to three, with only two songs ahead of it: “APT.” (ROSÉ and Bruno Mars, number one) and “Sabía que no” (reezy, number two). The highest new entries come from Lacazette (“MNG”, number eight) and FiNCH with the political statement “Wenn du dumm bist” (number 11).
The official German charts, compiled by GfK Entertainment on behalf of the German Music Industry Association, cover 90 percent of all music sales.