Pro Asyl Warns of Integration Chaos

Pro Asyl Warns of Integration Chaos

In the wake of the Bundestag’s vote on the asylum limit bill on Friday, Pro Asyl has warned of a potential suspension of the family reunion for subsidiary protection beneficiaries. “Stopping the family reunion for subsidiary protection beneficiaries would not only be a tragedy for people who are being denied the chance to bring their loved ones to safety” said the right political spokesperson Wiebke Judith to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Friday edition).

“It would also be a violation of the constitution and the European human rights convention if families were to be permanently separated” Judith stated, predicting negative consequences for the integration of refugees. “Furthermore, family reunion is a crucial integration factor: often, people can only fully focus on integration and language acquisition once they are reunited with their family here and know they are safe.