Green Party Leader Defies Business Backlash

Green Party Leader Defies Business Backlash

In a recent interview, the leader of the Green party in the German Bundestag, Katharina Dröge, responded to criticism from the country’s top business associations regarding the economic policies of Economy Minister Robert Habeck, also a member of the Green party. Dröge argued that investments in a climate-neutral economy hold the key to the country’s future, stating in an interview with RTL and ntv’s “Frühstart” program that “those who always look back will never be able to shape the future in the end.”

Dröge pointed to the recent demonstrations by employees of companies such as Volkswagen, Thyssenkrupp and Ford, who are fighting for the future of their jobs and claimed that this future lies in the climate-neutral investments being made. “And that’s also the green conviction” she emphasized.

While acknowledging that the current economic numbers are not good, Dröge attributed the main cause to a general lack of investment in the country. In response, she called for the reform of the debt brake, a fiscal policy that restricts the government’s ability to run deficits. Dröge noted that only a few politicians, such as Christian Lindner and Friedrich Merz, have been unwilling to consider such a reform in the past.