BOMBSHELL: Germany’s Electoral Districts Exposed: What the New Census Data Reveals About the 2025 Federal Election!

BOMBSHELL: Germany's Electoral Districts Exposed: What the New Census Data Reveals About the 2025 Federal Election!

The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) has published detailed tables on the electoral districts for the 2025 federal election on Wednesday. With this, the census data for the theme of population by age, sex, nationality, country of birth, as well as apartment usage, duration of vacancy, energy sources for heating and type of heating in apartments and net cold rent, are now available for the census date of May 15, 2022.

The census database is a research tool that allows the results of the 2022 census to be retrieved in tabular form for different regional levels and now also by federal electoral districts and combined with other characteristics. Various output formats and an API interface are available for machine-based retrieval.

In particular, in large cities divided into multiple electoral districts, a detailed data foundation is now available down to the address level. This enables not only average community analyses but also the visibility of internal community differences.

The federal territory is currently divided into 299 electoral districts. The number of electoral districts in the individual states must, as far as possible, correspond to their population share. The division of electoral districts within the states for the 2025 federal election is based on the number of German residents, regardless of their age, as of September 30, 2023. The average number of German residents per electoral district was around 240,320 as of September 30, 2023, with a deviation of no more than 15 percent in the population of a single electoral district. The background is the principle of electoral equality: every vote must have the same influence on the composition of the parliament.