Wahl-Sicherheit: Germany’s Election Chief Confirms ‘Plan A-Okay’ Despite Time Crunch!

Wahl-Sicherheit: Germany's Election Chief Confirms 'Plan A-Okay' Despite Time Crunch!

Despite the shortened deadlines, the organization of the advance Bundestag election appears to be running smoothly so far. According to Federal Returning Officer Ruth Brand, speaking to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”, the preparations are on track. The municipalities have found the polling stations and are in the process of recruiting and training the last remaining election officials, she said. The district and state election authorities have taken care of commissioning printers and logistics to ensure the election materials arrive at the municipalities as quickly as possible. The Federal Election Committee has made a decision on the recognition of parties for the Bundestag election and the IT systems are prepared and have been checked for security. “I think the preparations for the election are overall very well on track” the Federal Returning Officer and President of the Federal Statistical Office confirmed.

The carnival season poses special challenges for some municipalities in Germany, Brand explained. In some cases, carnival or Fasching parades will have to be relocated. However, Brand said she believes the municipalities are also well in control of the situation.

Brand did not join the calls of several state election officials and municipalities to abstain from the postal vote this year due to the shortened deadlines. “The eligible voters can decide whether to cast their vote on election day at the polling station or by postal vote. That’s not different this year either” she said. “If they decide on the postal vote, I think they should pay special attention to the shortened deadlines and request the postal vote materials immediately from their municipality” Brand said.