Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has warned the Union against jointly deciding with the AfD to toughen up Germany’s migration policy.
“The Union should quickly leave its dangerous national detour, which would only be possible with the votes of the AfD, behind” said the SPD politician to the newspapers of the Funke Media Group (Wednesday editions). “We should pass laws from the democratic center now that strengthen our security and further push back irregular migration.”
Faeser referred to the European asylum reform. “By achieving this, we can ensure strict control and asylum procedures already at the EU’s external borders, so that people without a prospect of staying in Germany do not even make it here” she said. The same applies to the new Federal Police Act and more powers for the security authorities, Faeser added. “There is no need for anyone to make common cause with the AfD in order to pass these laws” she said.