Trump’s Re-Election: Diversity in Crisis?

Trump's Re-Election: Diversity in Crisis?

Microsoft Germany’s Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Magdalena Rogl, expresses concern about the recent shift in global politics following Donald Trump’s re-election. “The world is changing in a direction opposite to the values we’ve previously lived by as a society”she told the Stern. This change is not limited to the US, but is also being felt in Germany, she added.

In the US, diversity programs are being rapidly rolled back, even in major tech companies. Rogl not only regards this as a humanitarian issue but also a business one: “It’s not just about being nice. When all employees feel psychologically secure, valued and connected, they are also more productive and motivated.”

Studies have shown that companies can be up to 30 percent more successful when they prioritize diversity and inclusion. This competitive advantage should not be given up without a fight, Rogl believes.

Despite the current trend, Rogl remains optimistic about the future. “Historically, there have always been waves of reaction to progressive movements”she said, adding that the current political climate is a momentary trend. “I hold on to that”she said. Diversity is a fact and companies have a responsibility to shape it. “A company can only thrive in a healthy society. That’s why we have a responsibility to keep that society healthy.