German politician Sahra Wagenknecht holds Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, both from the Social Democratic Party (SPD), accountable for the bloodshed in Aschaffenburg. “That nothing has happened in Mannheim and Solingen is primarily the failure of the Chancellor and his Interior Minister. This makes them politically responsible for every further heinous act” Wagenknecht told the news magazine Politico on Wednesday.
The BSW politician said that uncontrolled migration must be stopped, and the asylum law in its current form does not function. “We cannot leave our population largely defenseless by allowing people to abuse the asylum law to wreak havoc” Wagenknecht said. “Germany needs a fundamental course change in its refugee policy.”
Wagenknecht demands that asylum proceedings be stopped immediately in cases of violent crimes. “I ask, what still needs to happen before the politics understands that we cannot continue like this” she said on “RTL Direkt”. The second is “only to allow an asylum procedure in Germany for those who do not arrive from a safe third country.” One should not leave the topic to the Alternative for Germany (AfD). “I find it bad when the climate is actually so poisoned that we get a general xenophobia.