A brutal event has shaken the small Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, in the administrative district of Unterfranken. According to media reports, at least two people were killed and, by preliminary accounts, two others were seriously injured on Wednesday afternoon.
One report, only mentioned by the Bild-Zeitung, states that one of the victims was a child. The motives behind the event are still unknown, according to the police.
Two people were initially reported to have been arrested, with the police stating that the train service at the Südbahnhof was halted as a suspect attempted to flee across the tracks. Later, a police spokesperson confirmed that only one person was in custody, with no other suspects involved.
The police could not provide information on the arrested person’s nationality, a spokesperson told the NIUS portal. The crime scene was cordoned off, and the Zeitung Welt published a report stating that the police had a presence in the area, possibly contributing to the swift arrest of the suspect, and that the role of eyewitnesses in the investigation is still being clarified.
The historic park in English style, covering an area of more than nine hectares, according to the city, is a location that the police have patrolled in the past, and a spokesperson assured that there is no danger to the public.
BR24 reported on the crime scene, stating that the park Schöntal, which was partially classified as a “dangerous area” by the police in November, is primarily a hub for drug-related crimes, including drug use and violence within the drug scene, and that it is objectively safe to visit the park.
Trains to and from Aschaffenburg are currently being held back, according to the railway company.