TikTok Saved: Faeser Rejects Ban, But What’s Next?

TikTok Saved: Faeser Rejects Ban, But What's Next?

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has spoken out against banning the Chinese app TikTok in Germany. “I’m not for bans, I’m always for informing” she said in the RTL and ntv program “Frühstart” on Wednesday.

One should show the users that China is behind the medium and that the risk exists that data will be taken away. Instead of a ban, her way is to tell the operators clearly what they are allowed to do and what not in this country. “I think the pressure must be exerted, through legislation, through the European Union” she said.

Faeser also has no use for German or European owners of TikTok taking over the platform, as President Trump intends to do in the US. “I find that already an unacceptable influence” she said. The Basic Law provides a certain framework for property rights.