Grüne: Last Hope for a Green Future?

Grüne: Last Hope for a Green Future?

In the context of climate protection, Felix Banaszak, co-leader of the Greens, believes his party is the only one genuinely committed to the issue. “We are the last ones who really stand for climate protection” he told the Stern.

Before the 2019 European elections, all parties pretended that climate protection was a crucial topic, he said. Now, it has become clear that the CDU and CSU in particular have been insincere in their commitment. “They want to completely reverse their role” Banaszak claimed.

The urgency of the climate crisis has not diminished, and a growing counter-movement is emerging, the Greens’ leader emphasized. “That’s why our message, to maintain a course in climate protection, is extremely important.” His criticism is aimed at the competitors, who said, “Maybe this storm will pass us by.” – “It won’t pass us by” he replied.

The Greens have learned a lesson from the failed debate over the so-called heating law, Banaszak said. “We have learned that climate policy, which affects the direct living environment of people, must be socially just and practical.” Despite this, the Greens will continue to rely on the willingness of citizens to change: “People are ready for change, but they have a right to expect that the state makes the transition to climate-friendly alternatives as easy as possible for them.