BORDER LOCKDOWN: CDU Promises to Stop Refugee Influx with Immediate Effect

BORDER LOCKDOWN: CDU Promises to Stop Refugee Influx with Immediate Effect

A CDU Politician, Thorsten Frei, has announced that the Union plans to immediately stop the intake of refugees by turning them back at the borders if the party wins the election.

“If the citizens give us a government mandate, we will immediately set a de facto stop to the intake by turning people back at the borders” said the first parliamentary business manager of the Union faction in an interview with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. “This is our goal. In the medium term, controlled intake of limited quotas should take the place of uncontrolled influx.”

Frei emphasized the unity of CDU and CSU. “The CSU’s demand for a change to the right to asylum and the third-country solution from our joint election program lead to the same outcome in practice” said the CDU politician. “Both concepts aim to regain control over migration and clearly limit the number of intakes.