DGB Unleashes Election Fury!

DGB Unleashes Election Fury!

German Trade Union Federation Unveils Election Campaign

The German Trade Union Federation (DGB) launched its election campaign on Monday, promoting nine key demands under the slogan “Join forces with us.” The DGB is advocating for an end to austerity policies, targeted investments, and the preservation of climate goals, as well as relief on energy prices and a reform of the tax system. The union is also pushing for stronger collective bargaining, a higher retirement age, and improved healthcare and social services.

DGB Chair Yasmin Fahimi warned against dismantling the social welfare state. She accused certain voices of using the crisis as a pretext to abolish “unpopular rights.” Fahimi argued that these voices are blaming employees for the crisis, saying they have “overblown expectations” regarding their pay, retirement, and the like. “Whoever argues this way makes the employees the culprits of the crisis, and it is obvious that this is the intention” she said.

Fahimi attributed the current economic situation in Germany to a “toxic mix of management failures, economic weakness, and structural deficits, which has already cost many good jobs and is increasingly putting others under pressure.” She emphasized that the immediate protection of employees is the top priority for the trade union’s shop stewards and their unions.

The DGB chief argued that a strong social welfare state and a thriving economy are interdependent. “Only if everyone is included can everyone’s fallout be avoided.” Fahimi called for parties that want to ensure a crisis-resistant social welfare state, rather than engaging in “false debates that only go downhill.