Schulden-Skandal: CDU-Chef Wüst droht mit Regierungsbrei!

Schulden-Skandal: CDU-Chef Wüst droht mit Regierungsbrei!

German State Premier Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has sharply criticized the federal government for its initiative to take over the municipalities’ outstanding debts just before the federal election.

“We are committed to finding a solution for the old debts. North Rhine-Westphalia has fulfilled its obligations and stands by its word: we are ready to provide an additional 7.5 billion euros for our municipalities” Wüst told the Rheinische Post.

“The money is planned until 2030 and the first step in the 2025 budget has been decided. We, as a state, have taken the lead in advance. The Chancellor has had a majority in the Bundestag for years, but has broken his promise regarding the promised involvement” the CDU politician explained.

“Now, the Chancellor does not even have a majority in the Bundestag and starts with tricks on the backs of struggling municipalities to make a campaign out of it” Wüst said.

The Chancellor does not even have a federal budget from which the money could flow, Wüst added.

“This constitutional amendment, proposed just before the end of the legislative period, is unprofessional. The usual consultation periods cannot be met. Everyone in Berlin knows that the implementation of this proposal is entirely unrealistic just before a federal election. This approach of the federal government does not do justice to the seriousness of the issue” Wüst said.

The Chancellor wants to help municipalities not seriously, but rather “plays party political games with this issue” Wüst said.

“I won’t play along” Wüst said. He is counting on “coming quickly to a genuine solution with a new federal government composition that helps our municipalities.”

The federal government has presented a draft bill for a constitutional amendment to enable the federal government to take over half of the outstanding debts of a state. The draft is expected to be approved by the cabinet at the end of the week and discussed in the Bundestag the following week.