Linkspolitiker fordert: 15,12 Euro Mindestlohn, um die Armut zu besiegen!

Linkspolitiker fordert: 15,12 Euro Mindestlohn, um die Armut zu besiegen!

Before the Left Party’s extraordinary convention to decide on its election program for the federal election, party leader Jan van Aken called for a minimum wage of 15.12 euros. This would revise the party’s election program, which now demands a minimum wage of 60% of the average income in Germany, van Aken told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Free Voters (BSW) have also called for a minimum wage of 15 euros. “We have already put pressure on other parties to implement a minimum wage, until it was eventually implemented” the Left Party’s leader said to the RND.

In addition, the party wants the proposed minimum wage to be based on a solid calculation. “We’re not going to settle for 12 cents less because of other parties” van Aken said. “However, we take it for granted that everything we demand is realistically calculated.” The Left Party would be joining the Social Association of Germany in demanding a minimum wage of this amount, van Aken added.

The Left Party is holding its extraordinary convention to decide on its election program for the 2025 federal election in Berlin on Saturday.