Local Governments Fear Digital Pakt 2.0 Will Leave Them in the Shadows

Local Governments Fear Digital Pakt 2.0 Will Leave Them in the Shadows

Local Authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia Express Concern Over Digital Pakt 2.0

Local authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia have expressed doubts about the feasibility of the Digital Pakt 2.0, a plan to digitalize schools, in its current form. The plan, discussed in December between the Federal Minister of Education, Cem Özdemir, and the cultural ministers of the German states, has raised concerns about the allocation of federal funds.

Claus Hamacher, a deputy of the Städte- und Gemeindebunds NRW, told the Rheinische Post that he has significant doubts about the plan’s ability to address the challenges ahead. “The financial responsibilities have not decreased, but rather increased” he said, citing the need for new equipment and administrative resources to support the digitalization of schools.

Hamacher suggested prioritizing digitalization efforts, focusing on the most essential areas, and allocating resources accordingly. “We cannot avoid concentrating our resources” he said. Some experts in the field have also questioned the wisdom of providing iPads to six-year-olds, particularly if not all schools can be fully equipped.

Hamacher emphasized the importance of securing the current agreement between the federal government and the states, in order to speed up the process under a new government, if elected. “It would be beneficial to finalize the deal before the federal election, through a administrative agreement signed by the federal government and the states” he said. “If that does not happen, nothing will be achieved by the summer.