Germany’s States Expect Enough Poll Workers!

Germany's States Expect Enough Poll Workers!

Despite the tight deadline, German federal states are confident of having sufficient election helpers for the advance Bundestag election on February 23. This is the result of a survey by the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” under all federal states. The election director also confirmed this, saying that “sufficient honorary election helpers will be won.”

The head of the German Association of Cities and Municipalities, André Berghegger, expects a smooth election process. “The municipalities responsible for the election are particularly challenged” he said to the RND. “However, there is no doubt that an orderly conduct of the election can be ensured.” He believes that, despite the shortened deadline, there will be enough helpers participating in the election, as Berghegger said. Many election helpers will put their engagement and time at the disposal of the election, despite the current exceptional situation, including the shortened deadline.

In Germany, it is the task of the municipal authorities to fill the election committees with a sufficient number of election helpers. In the RND’s state survey, Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, Saarland, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern showed satisfaction with the recruitment. “No problems in recruiting a sufficient number of election helpers have been reported to me by the district election committees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” said the state election director in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Christian Boden. “I am not only optimistic, but I believe that the election committees will be available in sufficient numbers for the election.”

From Bremen, it was said that “the situation looks very good.” However, a spokesperson noted that, as is the case every time, some election helpers might drop out and reserve forces would be needed, so they were still “happy about further applications.”

Saxony and Brandenburg, where the new election date falls in the school holidays, do not fear a shortage of election helpers. The state election authority is optimistic that, once again, motivated Brandenburgers will support the election process, as the state’s interior ministry informed the RND. The scheduling of the necessary training sessions, which the volunteers will receive before February 23, will take into account planned vacations.

Around 675,000 election helpers participated in the European election in Germany last June.