Green Party’s Bold Move!

Green Party's Bold Move!

The Greens want to relieve families of around 1,000 euros a year and increase the parental allowance in addition.

According to a three-page resolution paper of the Green Federal Executive, reported in the “Rheinische Post” on its Friday edition, the Greens have underpinned the planned relief with concrete numbers. “We’ve made the power clean by expanding renewable energy. Now we’re making power affordable for everyone by largely removing the power tax and network charges from the costs. A family of four saves around 400 euros a year by having affordable power” it says in the paper.

Besides, the Greens are banking on affordable mobility and want to guarantee the old price of the Germany ticket of 49 euros. “A family of four can save around 430 euros a year by having affordable mobility. Children and young people under the age of 16 are to travel for free. This can bring additional savings for families” the Greens write.

Another 270 euros of relief are to be achieved by increasing the lump sums for employees in the income tax return to 1,500 euros. This would lead to more than half of employees having more money in their pockets without bureaucracy, it is further stated.

“Our goal is clear: We want to make life in Germany affordable and easier for all people” said Green Chairwoman Franziska Brantner to the “Rheinische Post”. “We relieve families of up to 1,000 euros a year by making power and mobility affordable and creating targeted tax relief for the broad population.”

Young families in particular would benefit from a higher parental allowance, providing more financial security in the early years, Brantner said. The minimum amount of today’s 300 euros is to be increased to 400 euros, and the maximum amount of today’s 1,800 euros to 2,400 euros, as shown in the resolution paper.

“Furthermore, we advocate for affordable housing and modern mobility, for example, through intelligent rent regulations, free mobility for children and young people, and support for apprentices in obtaining a driver’s license. To make housing affordable, we will create the framework conditions for fast, affordable, and climate-friendly building” Brantner said. “The SPD talks about social justice, we’re fighting for it in a concrete way” the Green politician added.