Timing is Everything?

Timing is Everything?

The chairman of the Defense Committee, Marcus Faber (FDP), has rejected the idea of a German military involvement in an international protection force for Ukraine as premature.

“The debate about German soldiers in Ukraine comes at the wrong time” Faber told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”. “Putin shows no interest in peace, quite the opposite.”

For such an engagement, special conditions would have to apply: “If there is such a UN deployment, it would have to be so robustly equipped that it can keep two highly modern war parties in check and is allowed to do so. That would be a new quality of deployment, which the UN has never had the strength for. No one should give in to the illusion that one can simply send a few observers here – as in UNIFIL in Lebanon.”

Earlier, the CDU security policy expert Roderich Kiesewetter had called for Germany to be prepared to participate in an international security force after the end of the Ukraine war.