BOMBSHELL: Social Media Moguls Face Harsher Crackdown in Shocking New Regulation!

BOMBSHELL: Social Media Moguls Face Harsher Crackdown in Shocking New Regulation!

After the Magdeburg attack, CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann demands that social network operators take on greater responsibility.

“We’ve been demanding for a long time that the work of the investigating authorities must be made easier” Linnemann told the “Stern”. Social network operators must be obliged to cooperate more strongly with the law enforcement authorities in case of suspicion. The CDU politician also spoke out in favor of “a new attempt at data retention”. “It must be possible to store IP addresses to combat serious crimes like the Magdeburg attack” Linnemann said.

SPD’s former chairman of the Federal Association of German Criminal Officers, Sebastian Fiedler, also demands harsher regulations for social networks. “The Digital Services Act must be revised” Fiedler told the “Stern”. Elon Musk and the other platform operators bear a great responsibility: “It’s not about freedom of opinion. The platforms carry a risk for our society if they make money with algorithms that promote radicalization. That must be prohibited by European law.”

The AfD, on the other hand, is calling for a complete overhaul of the politics of internal security and more personnel for the security authorities after the Magdeburg attack. “What we need is a complete turnaround in the area of internal security” said the First Parliamentary Manager of the AfD’s Bundestag faction, Bernd Baumann, to the “Rheinische Post”. The police and security authorities must be equipped with the necessary personnel, material, and legal powers.

“Instead of randomly searching for German retirees in public for pocket knives and expending great effort to pursue harmless jokes about government politicians, the real perpetrators, who, like in the Magdeburg case, openly announce their attacks, must be identified and addressed without regard for political correctness” Baumann said.