Elderly Care Crisis Hits Record High as ‘Patient Protectors’ Strike Back!

Elderly Care Crisis Hits Record High as 'Patient Protectors' Strike Back!

Facing the record number of 5.7 million care-dependent individuals published on Wednesday, patient advocates are sounding the alarm. “If the next government remains inactive, the social state will be buried” said Eugen Brysch of the Patient Protection Foundation to the “New Osnabrück Times.”

He demanded, among other things, a cap on care costs. The patient advocate was dissatisfied with the current government’s care policy. “Overall, the group of care-dependent individuals are the losers of the three-year government term” he said further. For some theoretical benefits, such as the relief contribution, there are too few offers, the care allowance has not increased enough, he mentioned as examples.

The care as a whole must finally be “future-proof and generationally fair” reformed. Otherwise, financial provision for the young and middle generation will be impossible. “There is no time to lose” said Brysch.