Green Party MP Renate Künast calls for more support in the Bundestag for two proposals that support a AfD ban procedure.
“‘What’s important first is that both proposals have the same goal,’ she said to the ‘Rheinische Post’ (Wednesday’s edition). ‘The focus should be on how many MPs still don’t support either of the two proposals. That needs to change.’ Künast added: ‘It’s also clear that a thorough preparation, solid evidence, is needed. Anticonstitutionality is not the same as unconstitutionality. Only with a well-prepared, thought-out process strategy can a ban procedure be successful.'”
Currently, two proposals are being discussed: A proposal by more than 100 Bundestag MPs from various factions, led by CDU politician Marco Wanderwitz, includes the demand to initiate an AfD ban procedure at the Federal Constitutional Court. Another proposal, supported by Green Party MPs, including Renate Künast, foresees a multi-stage approach.
Künast said: “At the moment, it’s about whether the other proposal will be presented to the Bundestag plenum. We are currently hindered by waiting periods. How the two proposals will develop in the parliamentary process will be shown.