Wüst Blasts ‘Lost Chance’ of Merkel’s Government

Wüst Blasts 'Lost Chance' of Merkel's Government

West Germany’s Minister-President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has criticized the failed coalition government for not recognizing and seizing the opportunities of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

According to Wüst, a widespread use of AI in the coming years could significantly contribute to reviving Germany as an international economic power, which is urgently needed after the coalition government’s three and a half years of stagnation and decline. He referred to the potential of AI as an economic “game-changer” that can drive efficiency and innovation, particularly in Germany’s industrially based economy.

“Germany now has the chance to build AI as a genuine competitive advantage and create jobs of the future” Wüst said. To achieve this, the government must “fully grasp the topic and create the right framework conditions on all levels.”

Wüst expects the new federal government to make AI a central area of action in its policy. However, he also emphasized the risks, stating that to utilize the chances and innovative power of AI for societal progress, “we need guidelines that apply worldwide.” These guidelines can only be developed if the US and Europe work together – “as a NATO for AI.